TEMPE, Ariz. (June 19, 2019) – New research from the market research team at /Zion & Zion, a top-ranked, full-service, national marketing agency, reveals that female and male consumers have differences in their respective brand awareness of many well-known charities.

The findings of Zion & Zion’s research have implications for charities across the country with respect to how and to who they communicate:

  • Women edge out men for brand awareness of charities such as Save the Children (61% of women are aware of the charity vs. 45% of men), Feed the Children (64% of women vs. 49% of men), and March of Dimes (81% of women vs. 68% of men).
  • Men hold meaningful brand awareness leadership differentials with a number of charities: American Civil Liberties Union and Foundation (61% of men are aware of the charity vs. 43% of women), Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (53% of men vs. 35% of women), and Doctors Without Borders (79% of men vs. 66% of women).

The full research report is available here: The Gender Gap in Brand Awareness Rankings of the 100 Largest U.S. Charities

In order to provide perspective on how the largest U.S. charities perform with respect to differences in brand awareness by gender, the Zion & Zion market research team analyzed the data from 1,053 respondents to the firm’s annual survey to rank Americans’ brand awareness of the 100 largest U.S. charities. Authors of the study are Aric Zion, MS; Peter Juergens, MA; and Thomas Hollmann, MBA, PhD.