Planting Seeds for Women to Flourish

Meet the Client

Founded in 1992, Fresh Start Women’s Foundation provides education, resources, and support for women to positively transform their lives and strengthen our community. The non-profit organization helps women 18 and up focus on key areas of their lives, with a wide range of services, classes and workshops designed to teach self-confidence, life skills, and career development.

For the past 24 years, Fresh Start has held an annual gala, but due to COVID-19 the board made the difficult decision not to host their 25th. Fresh Start approached Zion & Zion to develop a campaign that would encourage generosity from their previous donors to help them reach their fundraising goal to continue the crucial aid they provide women.

Campaign Strategy | Campaign Development | Content Creation | Print Production | Direct Mail Production | Digital Asset Creation
Fresh Start Women's Foundation


The Fresh Start Gala is a huge revenue source for Fresh Start Women’s Foundation. Since it was canceled due to COVID-19, the non-profit organization challenged Zion & Zion to come up with an impactful campaign that encompassed the spirt of the gala, create buzz, and provide awareness that Fresh Start is still here and needs support of donors now more than ever.


Inspired by the floral dresses showcased at a previous Fresh Start Gala, the Zion & Zion creative team explored the idea of flowers and how they start as seeds. A seed takes time, effort, and resources for a flower to bloom and reach its fullest potential, just like the women that Fresh Start Women’s Foundation help each and every day.


Zion & Zion developed the Flourish campaign. Flourish means to grow abundantly and was a vehicle for Fresh Start to ask their donors to help plant the seeds of positive change. Through high-impact imagery, the Zion & Zion team developed print ads, custom direct mail pieces, digital assets, and thank you cards that generated interest and buzz throughout the marketplace.

Print Ad

Fresh Start Women's Foundation

Direct Mail

Fresh Start Mailer

Digital Assets

Fresh Start Women's Foundation

Thank You Cards

Fresh Start Thank You Cards