Case Study

A Strategic Shift in Digital Campaign Optimization for Subscriber Growth


A leading digital content innovator needed a way to both detect and understand data anomalies amongst their subscriber base.

Our Role

  • Digital Media
  • Data Visualization
  • Analytics


A leading digital content innovator needed a way to both detect and understand data anomalies amongst their subscriber base.

Our Role

  • Digital Media
  • Data Visualization
  • Analytics

Background and Challenge

A leading streaming content platform was facing challenges in their digital media campaigns, which were primarily aimed at driving new subscriber sign-ups. The key metric for measuring campaign success was the number of free trial subscriptions. However, this approach had limitations. A comprehensive analysis of the campaign performance by our team revealed that certain campaigns and keywords had been under-optimized and underperforming for extended periods. This raised concerns about the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the campaign management strategy.

Solution and Outcome

In response to these findings, the focus was shifted to a more holistic approach. This involved redefining the success metrics of the campaigns, particularly shifting from conversion rate to free trials to conversion rate to paid subscriptions as being the most important metric.

By deploying data visualizations to track and analyze historical campaign data, the client was able to make more informed decisions. This strategic shift not only significantly enhanced the campaign’s optimization but also provided a clearer understanding of long-term subscriber growth, leading to more effective and sustainable marketing strategies.
